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1The Environmental Protection Department regulates vehicles generating noise by enforcing noise regulations and conducting inspections.2024-06-11
2How to deal with a notice of violation of environmental laws and regulations? Additionally, how should fines related to environmental violations be paid?2024-06-11
3What should be done when facing problems regarding the emission of cooking fumes from residential areas?2024-06-11
4Regarding the issue of noise from amplification equipment?2024-06-11
5The cat litter at home is made of wood shavings. Can it be recycled?2024-06-11
6Is there another way to report fraud besides calling 165?2024-06-11
7Which pets are required to be registered? Are there penalties for failing to register pet dogs and cats?2024-06-11
8Who can I report to regarding environmental pollution caused by keeping animals (such as dogs, cats, etc.)?2024-06-11
9How to apply for a library borrowing card?2024-06-11
10Who should be notified in case of damage to safety facilities, signs, etc.?2024-06-11
11What should passengers do if they forget something or need to use the restroom temporarily after entering the station with their ticket? Are people allowed to use the restrooms within the paid area of the station?2024-06-03
12What is the fine for littering cigarette butts?2024-06-03
13What is the no-parking time for the red line?2024-06-03
14What is the no-parking time for the yellow line?2024-06-03
15Is parking allowed outside of the red and yellow lines?2024-06-03
16Do pedestrians need to press the button to cross the street? What is its purpose and when should it be used?2024-06-03
17Is it permissible to park within 10 meters of an intersection if there is no red line marking?2024-06-03
18What activities are available in Taipei City for Muslims to participate in?2024-05-28
19Is it permissible to sell alcoholic beverages online and offer delivery services? What are the potential penalties for doing so?2024-05-27
20If road construction near my home is causing constant noise that disrupts my sleep, what should I do?2024-05-21