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    St. Patrick's Day is the national holiday of Ireland. In 432 AD, the missionary St. Patrick was sent to Ireland to spread Catholicism. He explained the concept of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) to the Irish using a shamrock, which led many people to accept baptism. As a result, the shamrock became the national flower of Ireland. After St. Patrick's death on March 17, 461 AD, the Irish designated this day as St. Patrick's Day. People decorate themselves with the national flower of Ireland, the shamrock, or wear green clothing from head to toe to celebrate this day.

    St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated not only in cities of Ireland, but also in places around the world with a significant Irish immigrants, such as the United States, Australia, Canada, etc. Grand celebrations and parades are carry out with people wear or decorate themselves with green clothing and accessories, and top hats. On this day, bars and pubs opens up early, creating a festive atmosphere for everyone. They also offer St. Patrick’s Day only green beer to celebrate the occasion. The St. Patrick's Day parade held annually in the capital city of Ireland attracts over a million visitors. St. Patrick's Day is no longer just a religious holiday but has become an international celebration of Irish culture!