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How do new immigrants apply for National Health Insurance after arriving in Taiwan?

I. Individuals who hold a resident certificate and meet the qualifications as either an insured person or a dependent are eligible to join the National Health Insurance after they have resided in Taiwan for a full six months (a person who has, after entering into Taiwan, stayed in Taiwan for six consecutive months or exited Taiwan once for fewer than 30 days with the actual period of stay amounting to six months after the number of days that he or she has been away from Taiwan is deducted).

Consultation hotline 0800-030-598, for mobile phone users, please dial (02)4128-678.
National Health Insurance website: Relevant information

II. Medical services covered by the National Health Insurance:

A. Treatment for diseases, injuries, childbirth, and accidents, outpatient or inpatient medical services. Patient that seek medical attention in accordance with relevant medical regulations and bear a portion of the medical expenses.

B. Child preventive health care, adult preventive health care, cervical smear tests for women, prenatal checkups for pregnant women, and other preventive health care services. For preventive health care services, part of the medical costs are exempted.