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How to request for immunization record?

Prepare the following documents and bring them to one of Taipei City’s Health Service Centers or apply online through the Taipei City Service Platform.

I. One application form (available for pickup at the counter or download from the website).

II. Identification of the applicant.

III. Application submitted by a legal representative or guardian:

A. If the applicant is a person with no legal capacity or limited legal capacity, the legal representative should sign or stamp on the application form and attach an identification document (verified by Citizen Digital Certificate for online application); if there are multiple legal representatives or guardians, only one is required to sign or stamp, a letter of attorney or letter of consent from the other legal representatives or guardians should be attached.

B. An original copy or a photocopy of the household certificate.

IV. Application submitted by a proxy:

A. Identification of the proxy (verified by Citizen Digital Certificate for online application).

B. An original copy or a photocopy of the identification document of the applicant.

C. The letter of attorney. 

V. Vaccination appointment and record (yellow card) or other relevant vaccination-related documents.