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        Edinburgh International Festival is held at Edinburgh, the Capital of Scotland in August every year. The Festival was started since 1947, and is one of the oldest and largest international arts festivals in the world. This 3-week Festival will include opera, music, theatre and dance performance, in all kinds of arts presentation. The original concept of starting this Festival was “to offer a stage for the prosperity of contemporary arts”, and Edinburgh was chosen as the location for this Festival. Music was firstly the main project in the Festival; afterwards, dance and theatre also became important items.

        The idea of Edinburgh International Festival originates from Manager of U.K. Glyndebourne Opera, Rudolf Bing. After the World War II, performance of the Opera Festival was almost paused because of the lack of capital due to economic flute, and for this reason, he wished to hold a Music Festival to bring chance of performance and capital into Glyndebourne. Originally, he hoped to hold the Music Festival in Oxford, but later he gave up because he could not be sufficiently invested. Bing’s friends advised him to try starting a Music Festival in Edinburgh, because Edinburgh had not yet been damaged during the World War II. Aside from enough performance area and nice facilities for visitors, there were also huge castles and spectacular beautiful natural landscape which could attract more visitors to the Music Festival. After 3-year preparation, the first Edinburgh International Festival was held in 1947.