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What are the regulations that the Occupational Safety and Health Act has regarding workers performing outdoor tasks during typhoons?

I. The Occupational Safety and Health Act stipulates the following requirements for employers whose employees perform outdoor tasks during typhoons:

1. Employers should conduct risk assessments for outdoor work environments or hazards during typhoons and establish mechanisms, processes, and relevant forms for safety assessments. If there are significant or foreseeable risks based on media reports, outdoor works should be suspended. If outdoor work is still deemed necessary after assessment, the employer must implement safety measures. Written records of assignments should be maintained by the employer or supervisors for reference.

2. If employers require employees to engage in outdoor tasks during typhoons despite office closures declared by the local government and the risk of harm to workers, they should provide appropriate safety equipment such as life jackets, safety helmets, communication devices, and transportation.

II. Regarding non-employment-related delivery services, when the local government announces office closures due to a typhoon, delivery platforms should immediately notify delivery personnel to cease delivery services.