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The Occupational Safety and Health Act of Article 6, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 3 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act pertains to the prevention of bodily or mental unlawful harm suffered in the performance of duties due to the actions of others.

In light of recent workplace violence incidents in the service industry, raising social

concerns, workers can lodge complaints under Article 39 of the Occupational Safety

and Health Act for unlawful acts.The competent authority or labor inspection agency

will conduct an investigation to confirm whether the employer has taken relevant

preventive measures in accordance with the aforementioned regulations. As for the

illegal handling of individual cases (such as assault, injury, sexual harassment, etc.), it

should be dealt with according to the specific laws violated by the incident, such as

the Criminal Code, the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, etc.

The responsible regulatory authority should be contacted for further investigation and
