1. General Health Examinations:
A. Before new employees take up their positions, they are required to undergo a general health examination, with the cost of the examination negotiated between the worker and management. Current employees should undergo a general health examination during their employment, with the employer covering the cost of the examination. Additionally, according to Article 20 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are required to conduct health examinations for employees during their employment. Employees have the obligation to undergo such examinations. Employers should provide employees with official leave to attend the examination.
B. Frequency of general health examinations: Individuals aged 65 and above should undergo an annual examination. Those aged 40 and above but below 65 should undergo an examination every three years, and those below 40 should undergo an examination every five years.
2. Special Health Examinations:
Workers working in special environments are required to undergo special health examinations for hazards to health every year, with the employer covering the cost of the examination.