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How can new immigrants (foreign nationals or stateless persons) apply for ROC citizenship? And what is the qualification for applying for the ROC national ID card?

I. To apply for naturalization as a citizen of the Republic of China (Taiwan) at the Household Registration Office in your area of residence, you must meet the requirements specified in either Article 3 or Article 4 of the Nationality Act.

(a) Foreign nationals or stateless persons who currently have domicile in the territory of the ROC, and have legally resided in the territory of the ROC for more than 183 days each year for at least three or five consecutive years. Have the capacity to act according to the laws of the ROC and their own state.

(b) Have the capacity to act according to the laws of the ROC and their own state.

(c) Have no bad conduct or criminal records as certified by the Police Clearance Certificate.

(d) Possess enough property or professional skills to support themselves or lead a stable life. (applicants who are spouses of ROC citizens or who have acquired an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate are not required to submit the documents).

(e) Possess basic language abilities and general knowledge of the rights and duties of ROC citizens.

II. After becoming a naturalized ROC citizen, the applicant can apply for the Resident Certificate from the National Immigration Agency. The applicant can provide a certificate of loss of original nationality within one year from the day of approval of naturalization. Please submit a certificate of loss of original nationality within the prescribed period to avoid revoking the approval of naturalization. However, an application for a deadline extension may be filed in the event of an inability to submit said certificate due to legal or administrative restrictions of their original country as verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

III. After obtaining the Resident Certificate for a certain period (and having provided a certificate of loss of original nationality), the applicant can then proceed to apply for the Permanent Resident Certificate from the National Immigration Agency. Once the Permanent Resident Certificate is obtained, the applicant can apply for initial household registration and their first National ID card at the Household Registration Office.

◎ Documents issued overseas must be authenticated by a Taiwan overseas mission and then re-verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Documents issued in Taiwan by foreign embassies or authorized institutions should also be authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the documents are in a foreign language, they must be accompanied by a Traditional Chinese translation, which should either be authenticated by a Taiwan overseas mission and re-verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or notarized by a notary public in Taiwan.