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Autonomous Learning During Winter Vacation

by Wang Pei-ling, Director Of Counseling, Guting Junior High School

    Dear parents of the new immigrant community: Fostering autonomous learning in children of new immigrants during the winter vacation is an important topic. In modern society, children can learn independently through many different means. This not only helps in their academic development but also enhances their abilities for autonomous learning and problem-solving. As the winter vacation approaches, many parents are concerned about how to cultivate autonomous learning in the second generation of new immigrants. In a multicultural society, these children face the dual pressures of learning and integration. Therefore, we should provide them with more support and encouragement, allowing them to utilize their autonomous learning skills during the winter vacation.

    Firstly, parents are advised to encourage their children to read various books by setting aside specific reading times, thus cultivating a habit and love for reading amidst their busy holiday schedule. Additionally, parents can accompany their children in community activities, such as volunteer services, museum visits, etc., to expand their horizons and increase social experiences.

    Furthermore, parents can encourage their children to learn technological skills like programming, computer graphics, etc. In this digital era, these skills are crucial for the children's future development. Parents should also allow children some independent time for self-exploration, enabling them to learn and grow through discovery and experimentation.

   Here are some suggestions for cultivating autonomous learning in children of new immigrants during the winter vacation:

1. Encourage Reading: Reading is a vital form of autonomous learning that can enrich a child's knowledge. Parents can provide a variety of books for their children, including storybooks, science books, novels, etc., to make reading enjoyable and informative.

2. Participate in Community Activities: During the winter vacation, many communities organize various activities such as handicraft, cooking, art classes, etc. Parents can encourage their children to participate in these activities to cultivate interests and skills while learning.

3. Learn Technological Skills: In modern society, technological skills are very important. Parents can encourage their children to learn skills like computer programming and cybersecurity, which are beneficial for their future development.

4. Independent Learning: Encourage children to learn through independent learning. For instance, provide them with materials for scientific experiments, allowing them to conduct these experiments themselves and gain knowledge and experience.

5. Interact with Family: The time spent with family during the winter vacation is precious. Parents can engage in activities such as reading, playing, cooking, etc., with their children, helping them learn and grow through family interactions.

In Taipei City, the Department of Education is promoting the 'Autonomous Learning 2.0' seminar. This initiative aims to enable students to plan and decide their learning autonomously, connect learning to life, and share their experiences. Utilizing the winter vacation, the seminar seeks to cultivate students' ability to learn independently. Additionally, some schools encourage students to set their own learning plans during the winter and summer vacations and share the outcomes when school resumes.

When implementing a winter vacation autonomous learning plan, students can choose relevant fields or topics based on their interests and abilities, including arts, sports, writing, household chores, science, and more. Students can work individually or collaborate with classmates.

Three important references include:

1. The official website of the Taipei City Department of Education provides information about the Autonomous Learning 2.0 seminar, and the cultivation of students' autonomous learning abilities.

2. A winter vacation autonomous learning plan template, which includes guidance for students to plan their own learning. This can serve as a reference for students to create their personal learning plans.

3. A report on Taipei Municipal Mingchuan Elementary School's autonomous learning program during winter and summer vacations over several years. This case can serve as a reference for schools implementing autonomous learning programs, providing examples on implementation situations and outcomes.

The above information can provide valuable guidance and references for students, parents, and educational institutions, assisting in promoting and implementing winter vacation autonomous learning plans.

Reference Materials:

1. Taipei City Department of Education Official Website -https://www.doe.gov.taipei/News_Content.aspx?n=B3DDF0458F0FFC11&s=9AC12154C493FDBA 

2. Winter Vacation Autonomous Learning Plan Template - https://classweb.klps.tp.edu.tw/108/up_files/dl/109%E5%85%AD%E4%B8%8B%E5%AF%92%E5%81%87%E8%87%AA%E4%B8%BB%E5%AD%B8%E7%BF%92%E8%A8%88%E7%95%AB-601%20.pdf 

3. Taipei Municipal Mingchuan Elementary School Autonomous Learning Case Study -https://www.gov.taipei/News_Content.aspx?n=F0DDAF49B89E9413&sms=72544237BBE4C5F6&s=5B4C1AB955F30702 

In summary, fostering autonomous learning in children of new immigrants during the winter vacation is a comprehensive and enduring task. We should provide the second-generation new immigrants with sufficient care and guidance to help them grow robustly through autonomous learning.

   Wishing all parents and children a Happy New Year and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon!