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What conditions should be met to apply for assistance to families with special circumstances?

1. Applicants need to be registered and actually reside in Taipei City, and meet one of the following conditions (new residents who have registered their marriage with citizens of the city where they are registered and actually reside in Taipei City are not exempt from the above requirements before they have obtained the nationality of their home country. Restrictions on registration; if the applicant is a victim of domestic violence, he or she is not subject to the restriction on actual residence in Taipei City)

(1) Under the age of 65, his or her spouse is dead or missing and has not been found for more than 6 months after being reported to the police.

(2) Due to malicious abandonment by the spouse or abuse by the spouse who cannot live together, the divorce has been confirmed by judgment or the divorce has been completed by agreement.

(3) Victimization of domestic violence.

(4) Unmarried women, from more than 3 months of pregnancy to within 2 months of delivery.

(5) Due to divorce, widowhood, unmarried childbirth, raising children under the age of 18 alone, or raising grandchildren under the age of 18 whose parents are unable to support them, they are unable to work, or although they are able to work, they suffer from serious injuries or take care of children under 6 years old. The children are unable to work.

(6) The spouse has been sentenced to imprisonment for more than 1 year or to security measures that restrict personal freedom for more than 1 year and is currently serving the sentence.

(7) According to the assessment of this bureau, the applicant suffers from living and financial difficulties due to major life changes within 3 months, and the major changes are not due to personal responsibility, debt, involuntary unemployment, etc.

2. The total household income of the applicant in 2012 did not exceed 35,270 yuan per person per month, and the average household property did not exceed 570,396 yuan per person, and the real estate of the entire household did not exceed 6.5 million yuan.

3. For those who meet the application qualifications, this bureau will issue an official identification document for families with special circumstances.

Unit: Women’s Welfare and Child Care Section, Social Affairs Bureau

Contact person: Ms. Chen

Contact number: 1999 to 1951