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Taipei City United Hospital’s post-marital and pre-pregnancy health check-up and Down’s syndrome screening subsidies for pregnant women

1. Subsidy objects

(1) Post-marital and pre-pregnancy health check-up: A husband or wife registered in Taipei City who is married but has not given birth to their first child. (2) Down syndrome screening for pregnant women (choose one subsidy for the first or second term): Pregnant women registered in Taipei City.

2. Inspection methods

(1) Post-marital and pre-pregnancy health examination: Husbands and wives who want to be examined, regardless of gender, should go to the obstetrics and gynecology clinics of various campuses of our hospital. When checking in, inform the outpatient nursing staff, fill in the supporting documents and submit the certificates.

(2) Maternal blood screening for Down syndrome in pregnant women: When pregnant women come to our hospital for prenatal check-ups, the doctor will issue a test form, fill in relevant subsidy documents and hand over their certificates, and then our hospital will arrange blood tests first. After the examination, and the receipt of the ultrasound examination of the transparent area on the posterior neck of the fetus is issued, directly contact the ultrasound room of the Heping Maternal and Child (Maternal and Infant) District of our hospital to make an appointment for the ultrasound examination.

[Heping Maternity and Infant Hospital (Mother and Infant) Campus Address: No. 12, Fuzhou Street, Taipei City. Ultrasound room reservation phone number: (02) 2391-6470 ext. 1205]

3. Carry documents

(1) Taipei citizens: Bring the original and photocopies of your ID card and health insurance card.

(2) If the spouse is a new resident of Taipei: The subject shall bring the original and photocopy of his or her identity document (residence permit or passport, etc.), health insurance card, and the original and photocopy of the spouse's certificate of residence in this city.

4. Cost: Only those who meet the conditions and have relevant documents ready can apply for the subsidy. You only need to pay the registration fee and diagnosis fee, and the inspection items are free of charge (examination items cannot be changed).

5. Precautions: Fasting is not required for post-marital and pre-pregnancy health examinations. Male semen examination requires abstinence for 3 days. Females should avoid menstruation (preferably one week after menstruation to avoid affecting urine test results).