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How Can Parents Help Their Children Prepare for College Application Materials

by Lee Joe-Ming, Fo Guang University Professor and Recruitment Officer

As we approach the second half of March, universities will soon publish individual college application review results. 12th grade students who passed the application review will participate in the interview stage in April through May. Before the interview takes place, students are required to submit a paper application, which is the most important document for the interview. The application will place a lot of pressure on the students, so I would like to remind parents to be patient and accompany your children through this time. Moreover, encourage your children to speak with their teachers for professional help.

How can parents help children prepare for college application? First, know what application materials are needed for the department your student is applying. Normally, a application requires a student’s basic information, class attendance record, student performances, biography, study plan, and other supporting materials that’s beneficial to the interview process. Different schools and departments requires different materials, it is important to make sure what are needed. Then, review your student’s interests and learning history during the 10th and 11th grade. Find your student’s strength, special experiences, why the student wants to study the major he/she has chosen, and where the student might excel in the future. Students will spend most of their time answering these types of questions during the interview. While preparing for the interview materials, parents can help students by conducting simulated interviews. Mock interviews will help students to gain the confidence for the actual interview, and parents’ support will also help students perform better.

If a student decided not to apply for college through the individual application process, then they will have to take the college entrance examination. In this process, colleges will designate 3 to 5 subjects and use the test scores of these subjects as the admission standard. Some college departments will have different standards and requirements, make sure you pay attention to the requirements, score weights, and admission priorities set by each colleges. This year’s college entrance examination registration date goes from May 18 to 27, and the test date is from Jul. 3 to 5.  Students are under enormous pressure when preparing for the college entrance examination. Parents’ love and company is the biggest support for the students during this stressful period.

To support new immigrant children attending higher education, additional new immigrant scholarship and subsidy programs are available.
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