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1. Q: What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
A: breastfeeding benefits:


Containing immunoglobulin and rich DHA (long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids),that can help your baby resist infection and help the brain and retinal development.


Breast milk protein is whey protein, more digestible with breast-decomposition lipase. It is the most easily digested and absorbed use for the baby. Electrolyte and iron content is lower than the formula with a higher absorption and utilization, and reduce the burden of infant kidney.


Enhance the relationship of mother and baby, it is the spiritual food for the baby. Satisfy the demand of sucking and physiological satiety. Provide a sense of security to promote the adaptability of the baby.


The economic costs are cheaper: without the costs of related artificial feeding equipment, food and etc. Reduce the heavy burden of the household economy.

Health safety

Breast milk can be drunk directly. Avoid the contaminations caused from improper cleaning of feeding bottles or mothers’ hands washed incompletely. To prevent potential dangers of improper brewing or improper manufacture.


Do not need equipment or sterilization. Convenient to go out and drink at any time. It is the freshest and the most suitable temperature for the baby.


When sucking breast milk, baby must use mouth movement that can make the gums strong and enhance the perfection of baby face shape.


Feeding breast milk to the baby with allergic constitution can avoid diarrhea, vomiting, bronchitis, asthma, eczema, poor growth and other symptoms caused by cow’s milk allergy.

Help for mothers

Help the contraction of the uterus to promote postpartum recovery. Extend the recovery time of postpartum menstruation in order to achieve a natural contraceptive. Besides, it can also burn calories to help the figure restore. According to statistics, breastfeeding mother has a lower probability suffering from breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.

2.Q:Is my breast milk enough?
A: Many breastfeeding mothers are concerned about this issue. Think that baby is hungry once it is crying. We should be aware of your baby's needs; the vast majority of mothers can produce enough milk to supply their own baby, because the secretion of milk is produced based on the needs of infants. Mothers would think that major reason of insufficient milk is because baby didn’t suck enough. So the more baby sucks, the more milk secretes. If you add the formula, it will prolong and reduce the times of baby sucking, baby will also get used to bottle feeding, rather than sucking the mother’s breast.

3.Q: Do mothers need to eat special foods to increase the amount of milk during breastfeeding?
A: According to research in the general developing or developed countries, milk amount and quality has no direct relation to nutrition intake, but the baby's sucking. Therefore, make sure your baby holds and sucks the breast milk in a right way. Feed baby every time it needs to eat, mother's milk is naturally enough to meet your baby's needs.

4. Q: What frequency of stools is normal during breastfeeding?
A: The frequency of stools can be quite different in the first few weeks. In the first one or two months, the stool is usually fluid with a little mucus, a little particle and a little sour. Baby might even defecate right after eating with more than 8 times a day probably. But this is normal stool, not diarrhea. This stool condition may continue till the solid foods are added to make it form. After one or two months, some babies might defecate once in few days, usually soft stools, even longer for one or two weeks, this is not constipation. It shows that breast milk is a perfect food that can be absorbed with no residue. Regardless of the frequency of stools, just make sure baby does not have abdominal distention, crying, anxiety but with vitality, good elasticity of skin and normal amount of urine, then you do not need to worry too much.

5. Q: What can I do with breast fullness?
A: When your breast is full of milk, you should let the baby suck out more of the milk to soften the breast and smooth the mammary gland. After breastfeeding, if the swelling can’t be reduced completely , you can supplant some milk out to reduce it.

6.Q: If the mother has a cold or diarrhea, is it ok to continue breastfeeding?
A: Yes, you can continue breastfeeding. When the mother encounters all kinds of bacteria or viruses from outside, the body will produce specific secretory immunoglobulin A in milk. At the same time, after the mother body's white blood cells are in contact with these bacteria, phagocytic cells and lymphocytes will be activated into breast epithelial tissues and secrete antibodies in the milk. These secretory immunoglobulin A and antibodies will not be destroyed by stomach acid because of the protection of a secretory component inside baby’s gastrointestinal tract and avoid these bacteria enter the body. Even if the mother is infected or sick, continuing breastfeeding will protect the infants even more. If the mother is taking antibiotics, she can still continue breastfeeding generally. But you need to observe the baby stool circumstances, if you are really worried, you can consult your doctor about the medicion.

7.Q:What can I do with milk regurgitation or vomit?
A: This is a common situation in infancy, maybe baby eat more than the stomach capacity or belch causes milk regurgitation after eating. This might happen in one or two hours after eating. Usually it will not choke the baby, or cause it cough or uncomfortable, even happening in its sleep is rarely dangerous. Some babies spit milk out very often, the situation will be improved usually when they start to sit for most of the time. Few babies still have milk regurgitation often till about the age of one. If the baby erupts the milk out hardly after feeding and it happens more than once or twice every day, or combined with poor weight increase, you should consult a doctor. The following steps can reduce the situation of milk regurgitation:
1.Breastfeeding should be calm and slow.
2.Avoid the sudden interruption, sound or light stimulation or other things that cause distraction easily while breastfeeding.
3.Make baby in the upright posture after breastfeeding.
4.Do not play intensely with the baby after breastfeeding.
5.Feed the baby before it gets too hungry. (Do not let baby cry too hard.)
6.If the baby is fed by feeding bottles, make sure the hole of bottle is not too large or too small.
7.Elevate the baby’s head in its sleep, make baby’s head higher than stomach or lie on the right side.
If the baby erupt the milk out hardly every time not long after feeding, or the vomit is yellow-green, the weight does not increase, vitality is getting worse, the feeding amount is significantly reduced or suction is weaker, you should go to pediatrics or neonatology for treatments.

8.Q: How long does breastfeeding last at least?
A: Recommendations of the World Health Organization and UNICEF in 1999: start breastfeeding within half to one hour after birth and:
1. From zero to six months in the pure breastfeeding.
2. After six months, add non-staple food.
3. Continue breastfeeding when children turn 2 years or older.
American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that the baby should be breastfed till at least more than one year old, followed by the mother and child work together to determine the manner and timing of weaning.

9. Q: Can mothers be vegetarians during breastfeeding?
A: Yes, as long as the nutrition is adequate and pay attention to a vitamin B12 supplement, vegetarian mother can still secrete nutritional breast milk with complete ingredients. (Note: Vitamin B12 is only contained in animal foods).

10. Q: Where can I find breastfeeding information?

1.Official website of Department of health of Taipei City Government 》Topic Area 》Woman and Child Eugenics》Breastfeeding

2. Health Promotion Administration of Ministry of Health and Welfare, Maternal Health Care Consultation Website -> Breastfeeding
Health Promotion Administration of Ministry of Health and Welfare, Maternal Health Care Consultation helpline 0800-870-870 (homonym in Chinese: Hold you tight, hold you tight).

Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 am – 06:00 pm (Closed on weekends and national holidays)

3. Breastfeeding Association of Taiwan
4.La Leche League International (International breastfeeding association)
5.World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)

※Sources:Department of Health of Taipei City Government