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Emotional Support Corner

A cozy space for new immigrants far from home to support one another and build a network of emotional connections, creating a sense of belonging akin to "home."

Training Programs Provides opportunities for public and private organizations to host courses aimed at empowering new residents. Courses include language training, cooking classes, cultural customs, handicrafts, maternal and reproductive health education, as well as

practical guidance on residency procedures and personal growth programs like family communication skills.

Venue Rental Dance studios, multi-purpose classrooms, seminar rooms, auditoriums, and art studios are available for new residents and activities related to new immigrants. For more information, please refer to the Venue Rental Guidelines for New Resident Centers: https://nit.taipei/News_Content.aspx?n=09A6F32991E12F95&sms=1BBA80E71222F5DB&s=15867A56B6637592

◎ Wanhua New Immigrants' Hall

Tuesday to Sunday (Morning: 09:00–12:00, Afternoon: 14:00–17:00) (02) 2370-1046

◎ Shilin New Immigrants' Hall

Tuesday to Sunday (Morning: 09:00–12:00, Afternoon: 14:00–17:00) (02) 2883-7750, (02) 2883-1735

To assist new immigrants, counter 58 of the City Government Joint Services Center offers multilingual telephone and in-person consultation services covering topics such as residency, naturalization, health insurance, parenting, childcare, support, and social welfare. Interpretation assistance is also offered for individuals conducting official business on-site.

◎ Counter 58 Multilingual Service Desk at the City Government Joint Services Center

Monday to Friday (Morning: 09:00–12:00)

• Monday: Thai

• Tuesday: Vietnamese

• Wednesday: Indonesian

• Thursday: Indonesian

• Friday: Vietnamese