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Introduction to the service: In order to look after residents with housing needs, extra allowance is now available on top of rent subsidy.
1. The applicant must be a citizen of the Republic of China
2. Resident of Taipei City who is currently renting and his/her household is registered in Taipei. (Apply through the Department of Urban Development of Taipei)
3. Comply with one of the following age restrictions:
(1) At least 20 years old or above
(2) Aged under 20 but married
(3) Aged under 20, unable to rejoin the family after the placement term at institutions or foster families has ended.
4. Meet one of the following family compositions (either one is enough):
(1) The applicant has a spouse
(2) Is registered in the same household with immediate family
(3) Single, aged at 40 or above.
(4) If both parents have passed away and the applicant has sibling(s) to look after (under 20 or above 20 but still in education, with disabilities or lack of livelihood capacity). The aforementioned sibling(s) shall be single.
(5) Aged under 25, unable to rejoin the family after the placement term at institutions or foster families has ended.
5. All of the applicant’s family members must not have any properties registered under their names.
6. Annual family income and financial assets must comply with the specified income and asset requirements set for housing allowance application.
[How to Apply] Fill out the application form with relevant documentations attached, post them in recorded mail or submit in person to the Department of Urban Development's central office before the deadline.
[Who to Contact] Housing Services Division of the Department of Urban Development
[Service Inquiry Hours] Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
[Service Inquiry Number] 2777-2186 press 0 then 1
[Service Inquiry URL]https://www.rent-allowance.gov.taipei/ https://www.rent-allowance.gov.taipei/